OES, Inc. was founded in 1980 providing technology support services for clients in various markets. OES soon engaged in the development of technology solutions and successfully commercialized many products for mission critical applications in the environmental, healthcare, vehicular, agricultural, and defence industries. OES’s steady growth and success in diverse markets led to the creation of 3 divisions – OES Technologies, OES Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS), and OES Scoreboards.
OES Scoreboards prides themselves on their scoreboard product series and has become a leading scoreboard product and solution provider for public agenices. Get in contact with a representatitive to learn how to leverage a cooperative contract with OES Scoreboards, available through OMNIA Partners.
OES Scoreboards Contract Documentation
U.S. Communities, National IPA, & NCPA are wholly-owned subsidiaries of OMNIA Partners, dba OMNIA Partners, Public Sector. All public sector participants already registered with National IPA, U.S. Communities, or NCPA continue to have access to all contracts, with certain exceptions, in the portfolio and do not need to re-register to use a legacy National IPA, legacy U.S. Communities, legacy NCPA, or new OMNIA Partners contract. U.S. Communities, National IPA, and NCPA remain separate legal entities and lead agency contracts completed under each brand are effective and available for use through the contract’s approved term. In the event we believe re-registration is necessary for any reason, OMNIA Partners will let you know.
Scoreboards and Electronic Signage
Region 14 ESC - TX
Contract Number: 08-37
December 1, 2022 - November 30, 2025
Option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods through November 30, 2027