ThriveEmployee Benefits

Thrive empowers employees to allocate their Employer matching dollars where they need it the most: Retirement, Student Loans, Emergency Savings Account, 529 College Savings, or a combination of all four! Now, members of OMNIA Partners can provide their employees with this new and innovative employee benefit program aimed at eliminating student loan debt while helping employees save for retirement.

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Learn more about Employee Benefits from Thrive through their private sector contract with OMNIA Partners. Contact us below.

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Don't Just Succeed. Thrive.

Flexible Match

Employees allocate their unused Employer matching dollars to their student loan(s), emergency savings, 529 college savings, or a combination of all three.

Employer Pay

Employees allocate their Employer Benefit Dollars to their Student Loan, Emergency Savings Account, 529 College Savings, or a combination of all three.

Employer Match

Employers match Employees allocation to their Student Loan, Emergency Savings Account, 529 College Savings, or a combination of all three.


Thrive Program overview
silver lion flyer
evoshare flyer

Silver Lion

About Silver Lion

Silver Lion Student Loan Advisors help individuals with Federal Student Loan Debt. The numbers are staggering and the debt keeps climbing. The U.S. Department of Education offers programs to lower payments and forgive loans but those programs are hard to understand, enroll into, and remain compliant.

Here are the Facts:

  • Only 2 out of 10 borrowers take advantage of the available debt reduction and loan forgiveness programs
  • 44 Million Americans have federal student loans
  • The average debt level is $37,414
  • 1 Million borrowers default on their loan every year.

Silver Lion Student Loan Advisors has ONE goal. We work tirelessly to help individuals who are struggling with their Federal Student Loan student debt to enroll in a government sponsored program to reduce their monthly payment. If we are successful in providing this service, our clients can start saving for retirement, building equity to purchase a home, and afford day-to-day living expenses without incurring additional debt.

Our mission is to assist consumers with federal student loan consolidation document preparation. A Direct Consolidation Loan allows you to consolidate (combine) multiple federal education loans into one loan. The result is a single monthly payment instead of multiple payments. Loan consolidation can also give you access to additional loan repayment plans and forgiveness programs. We will help you find the best repayment options that may be available for your current financial needs. We will be with you every step of the way.

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