FuseboxUtility Management Solutions

Available through OMNIA Partners, Fusebox offers utility managment solutions and solve energy challenges. THeir team of utility experts aggregate and analyze data providing proactive solutions resulting in electric, gas, and water savings. They monitor data 24/7 and send reports that help you make decisions to optimize energy and water use. 

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Fusebox utility managment solutions are available on a competitively solicited, publicly awarded cooperative contract through OMNIA Partners. 

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Utility Management 

    • Historical Utility Data Analysis – analyze historical utility billing and other available data points to get accurate building utility footprints
    • On-Going Utility Data Management – utility data analysis is automated and reviewed by a team of utility experts to ensure accuracy prior to payment
    • Utility Bill Rate Plan Analysis – proprietary rate plan calculator will determine the most cost-effective rate plan
    • Utility Billing Error Monitoring – review all monthly bills for possible billing errors and ensure any errors are corrected
    • Interval Data Interface – stream interval data allowing facility staff to identify load-shifting opportunities that lead to demand reduction
    • Utility Meter Inventory – create inventory, including GPS mapping, of each utility meter providing the client with immediate access to specific meter information

Solar (Renewable) Analysis

    • Contract Review – review contracts, advise on proper contract terms, and calculate return on investment
    • System Installation Support – support energy system installation advising on proper orientation, meter location, and system size
    • Production Data Interface – stream energy production data allowing facility staff to identify potential equipment issues

Energy Management System Analysis

    • Diagnostic Assessment – provide assessment of existing energy management system providing a report identifying the necessary information to optimize efficiencies
    • System Integration – integration between existing energy management system and Fusebox allowing for increased visibility into system operation and interval utility data
    • Set Point and Schedule Monitoring – monitor energy management system set points and schedules ongoing alerting facility staff when systems are being operated inefficiently

Conservation and Behavior Change Consulting

    • Energy Education – education programs available for all types of staff and building users
    • Training & Curriculum – “Train the Trainer” and curriculum programs are available focusing on best practices for energy and water conservation
    • Competitions – fun, effective competitions between schools resulting in utility cost savings

Contact Information

Scott Pierce
(480) 287-6148

Supplier Website