Mackin Educational ResourcesBooks (Conventional/eBooks) and Related Services

Mackin provides high-quality library and classroom materials including books in all bindings, ebooks, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, educational software and online databases. Free custom Cataloging and standard Processing is available for your purchases; in addition to many extra options at a minimal cost such as theft detection, Kapco covers, property labels and more. Additionally, we provide free services for Collection Analysis and Collection Development.

Our online catalog of over 2.4 million items is accessed at Digital purchases from Mackin also receive a FREE mackinVIA account, which provides a single portal to store and access all of your school’s or library’s ebooks and databases.

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Available through the cooperative contract with OMNIA Partners, Mackin provides library & classroom materials including books, ebooks, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, educational software and online databases.

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About Mackin Educational Resource

Featuring the largest PK-12 collection of age-appropriate print and digital titles, we offer print books, in all bindings, eBooks, audiobooks, Read-Alongs, educational videos, and online databases. Mackin provides cutting-edge educational materials, one-source ordering, and unequaled services worldwide, available through OMNIA Partners.

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