At Frey Scientific, we have a dedicated team of science education specialists, many with advanced degrees and teaching experience, who partner with a network of classroom teachers in order to understand and adapt to your needs both in the classroom and beyond. That partnership has led to our wide selection of science education products, supplemental curriculum, lab equipment and supplies, and STEM solutions that advance effective learning.
Available through the cooperative contract with OMNIA Partners, Frey Scientific offers chemistry, biology, physics and anatomy instructional supplies & services to participating public sector agencies.
Tomorrow’s Inventors Are in Today’s Classrooms
No one can know exactly what STEM and STEAM challenges tomorrow will bring. But we do know the graduates best prepared for them will be the ones who are taught not just facts, but an integrated approach in both instruction and layout that teaches them how to think like innovators. Providing that kind of holistic education to them also demands a great deal from you. But to deliver on those high expectations, you need to start with the right resources. From furniture and products, to professional development and funding, we can bring you the help to inspire young thinkers and prepare graduates who will change the world.
Insight & Inspiration for Creating a Makerspace in Your School
A growing trend is the construction of a separate makerspace where students can engage in hands-on, creative projects to support student design and creation.
Whether a section of the library, converted computer lab, or spare classroom, your makerspace can inspire creativity and innovation by giving it the right mix of equipment and technology while being flexible enough to adapt as project needs change.
See how School Specialty can help you serve current needs and allow for future growth.
Science Supplies
Supplies & Solutions for Your Modern Science Classroom
The Frey Scientific focus is on you and your needs in the classroom and beyond. With a wide selection of science education products, from biology and chemistry to physics and lab equipment and supplies, you can count on us for STEM solutions that advance effective learning. Partnering with a network of classroom teachers, we continually seek to understand and adapt to your needs. Our dedicated science education specialists, many with advanced degrees and teaching experience, provide powerful insights that continue to enhance our product line.
Science Furniture
Lab Design & Furniture
Give your students a contemporary space to discover their passions through making and creating. Our broad selection of STEM and STEAM furniture and makerspace activities encourages collaboration, promotes original ideas, and works with technology to stimulate critical thinking and independent exploration. Our expereinced designers can create spaces that incorporate appropriate technology, support 21st century skills and meet your needs for today and the future.
Contact Information
Belkys Quintana
Helen Schleis