The Power of Spend Visibility: A Roadmap for Success

Jul 13, 2023   |   OMNIA Partners

Spend Visibility is one of the most important challenges facing procurement in the current market. In this webinar OMNIA Partners, Leonard Green & Partners and Supply Chain Now join forces to discuss:

  • The Importance of Spend Visibility
  • How to Build a More Resilient Supply Chain
  • How OMNIA Partners Can Help Clean, Categorize, and Analyze Your Data

Free Spend Visibility Guide

Just as you cannot improve what you cannot measure, you can’t mitigate what you cannot see. Discover how to build a more resilient supply chain by optimizing your data and leveraging a group purchasing organization.

Corporate Employees

Spend visibility is step one or, rather, step zero in starting and running a sourcing organization. It’s mandatory because it’s your playbook. Without it, it’s like trying to get somewhere without a roadmap; you’re just lost in the dark.

– Reginald Holden, Leonard Green & Partners